My Sweet Birthday Prince,
I love you like crazy. You are so big and so smart. You bring a joy to our family that could shine through the deepest darkness. You have the sweetest little voice Miles. Sometimes when you talk I swear my heart literally melts a little. I love the way you say "rumbled" when you really mean "rumpled", like when your blankets are rumpled up at bedtime... I love the way you say "stunder" and "stumb" for "thunder" and "thumb." I love love love to hear you say "I yuv you." You are amazing sweet man.
You can climb to the top of the magnolia tree in the backyard and get down all by yourself. You can keep perfect time with a song and the other day you even switched from quarter notes to eighth notes without missing one beat. You are my shining star love. You are a potty champion (that's old news now, you mastered that months ago but I'm still so proud). You love to be independent and take care of things all on your own.
You are precious to me Miles. Daddy and I could not go one day with out you in our lives. You make us laugh and laugh and bring so much love into our home. Life is so sweet with you in it. I can't believe how fast you are growing or how much you change everyday. You continue to amaze me with the person you are becoming.
I hope you always know how special and dearly loved you are.
Happy Birthday,
Can't wait for him to be in Primary!!!! That picture of you is gorgeous!
I'm so sad that Miles is out of nursery! He is seriously an amazing singer. And so cute! You're a lucky mama to a very lucky boy!
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