
brand new mommy.

***Post Edit: These are photos from Miles' birth. December 27, 2008. Sorry if I confused anyone! I am still pregnant with Baby Brother Blimes and prolly will be for another month or so! Thank you all for the sweet congratulations though!***

 Faces of a brand new mommy.

  It was unreal, I wasn't actually sure it had actually just happened. I gave birth?.?...

Very very sedated, but I felt at peace and content.

Ouch! What is he doing to my nipple!?!

 Admiring my new creation.

Why does my stomach feel like a bowl of jello?

But mostly I just felt happy. Happy he was here, safe and sound. Happy labor was over and happy to begin falling in love with an angel.

Now, who's ready to do it all again? Yeeeaaahhh. We're still feeling a little wobbly about the whole baby brother situation over here too. Here's hoping I pull through it all... And maybe with a tad more grace this time. It could happen.


*** I feel the need to post some actual decent pictures of myself after the previous two posts... But these photos don't lie. Maybe I'll try to cute up this weekend. We'll see. ***


Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

Such a beautiful moment captured :) GREAT JOB!

Lauren said...

baby! how absolutely beautiful, how lucky you are to have such a tiny blessing in your arms!

White Folk said...

Congrats chica! Danny and I couldn't be happier for your little fam!

kellycynthia42 said...

yaaaay! im so excited and it isn't even my baby lol im gonna be excited to meet this little bundle of joy ! :)