
miles on the hour (trilogy)

7am Rise and Shine! 
"I geeee out!"

8am: "It's my turn."

9am: "Cheese!"

10am: Mischief.

11am: "Outside time?"

Noon: "I take beeee bite." (Big bite)

1pm: I found him curled up in his closet instead of his crib. Cute but he got moved to the bed.

2:30ish: Christmas decor tour w/mommy! (For the 100th time. :0))

3pm: "Hello Amay. Bye."

4pm: Second snack.

5pm: Haircut (Thanks Tab!)

6pm: "I make mess!"

7 o'clock hour: Story time with Daddy

8pm: Bed time (with a borrowed pillow)

About 20 minutes later: Nite nite sweet man!

This boy definitely makes the most of everyday. We could all take a lesson from our little ones in enjoying every possible moment we can!

Don’t be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of. One man gets only a week’s value out of a year while another man gets a full year’s value out of a week.
Charles Richards

Happy Hump day!


Anonymous said...

Hey Marquesas!

He is too cute! Thanks for the christmas card. What a beautiful family!

Take care of yourself and merry Christmas!!

Megan :)

Barbie and Craig said...

OH how i love this! I really need to do this with P.

How about that picture of Miles curled up in bed with his books?! Killing me with adorableness.


Kristin said...

I LOVE that quote at the end. Might have to adopt that as my new life motto...- Hope you are well sweet friend! Thinking of you...