
5 Weeks To Go!!!

Constantly peeing...

Craving water non-stop(unless I'm craving chocolate)...

Taking atleast two or three tries to roll myself outta bed...

Thinking, wondering, anxiously waiting...

Watching the scales tip up up upward...

Reveling in the knowledge that soon I'll meet my prince...

35 weeks pregnant and I love it!!!

I must be one of the lucky ones.



Olivia said...

okay, how is it that my bump's bigger and I've lost weight? I don't get it!

You are beautiful, my dear. I love your pregnant belly.

Valarie said...

Hey...where are the bag and the heels?!? You look amazing. Don't worry, the scale will be sliding back down, down, downward before you know it!

Jared said...

I am so excited for you guys.