
birthday girl.

I love you birthday girl.

This morning you surprised me with a delicious cake.
And you sang Happy Birthday dear daughter.
I don't know if you noticed but I had to work hard not to cry.
You are so wonderful at mothering me.

I continue to be amazed at your capacity to love me no matter what.
You loved me when I was literally crawling out of my skin crazy.
When I disrespected you in teenage angst.
When I moved away.
And when I came right back.
You love me through my liberal ranting,
and my sub par housekeeping.

You have never let me feel less than.
Never allowed me for one second to wonder if I was special, or beautiful, 
or wanted.
You were meant to be my mother.
And you have been perfect at it.

You always have a smile to share,
a story to tell, 
a warm embrace for a weary soul.

You make the world around you shine a little brighter.
People and animals are drawn to your light.
They want to tell you everything.
Just like I always did.
And still do.

You refuse to be sunk.
Even when everything goes so so wrong.
You never give up.

You think of others before yourself.
Always ready with a helping hand 
or a word of advice.

You are kind. 
And so beautiful.

And I am so very thankful to be your daughter.

Happy birthday Mama,

I love you.



aGibson said...

Awwww...your mama is pretty cool. :-) Happy birthday!

Eloquent Obi said...

awww, so sweet. Happy Birthday! you look so much like your mother! both of you are beautiful. continued blessings to you both!