Some people say that rain on your wedding day means good luck. Honestly, I wanted to slap every person that said that to us on that stormy day 3 years ago when Drew and I became husband and wife.
We have been married three years today and I can honestly say I have become a big believer in rain symbolizing luck and blessings. While I was not exactly grateful for ruined wedding hair and photos, I am so very appreciative for all the many many blessings that have come our way since May 5, 2005.
Being married to Drew has been amazing. He is so laid back and kind, very sensitive and caring, He always remembers the small things that make a girl feel loved and appreciated. I am constantly amazed at our compatibility, we are truly best friends and have so much fun together. In so many ways he helps me and teaches me everyday. I look so forward to spending everyday with him for the rest of my life. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful man as my husband! I know that Heavenly Father planned for the two of us to be together forever and that makes me feel so happy and safe.
Happy Anniversary to us!!!
Excuse me while I gag. :) hehe
I was thinking about you guys this morning. Happy Anniversary! I wanna see some pics of your new house! When should we come visit?
Wow! you look so beautiful!!! happy 3rd!!
Happy Anniversary, Marquesas! And thanks for the sweet comment;) I past by your house today and it looked like nobody was home and the front door was open,then I read down on your blog and saw that yall are moving to a CUTE new house! yay for you and Drew! This is quite an exciting time for YALL! About the CD, we have them at our house for now-- they're $8-- better get 'em while they're hot! ;) So far you can't buy them online:(
Sweet post! Happy Anniversary!
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