
let the living begin!!!

Remember a while back when I made my LIVE LIST? Well, I've finally begun checking things off!

4. Have a slumber party with friends!!!


It was so much fun gathering with old friends this weekend. We got to catch up on eachothers lives w/o facebook or email. Face to face talking and laughing. So organic and refreshing. I forgot how much fun we all used to have together back in highschool! It didn't take long for it all to come screaming back to me!

Thanks for a great weekend ladies!


Kayla said...

I love the idea of a grown up sleepover. I'll have to plan one too!! Thanks for the inspiration.

Jessica said...

So fun! I'm really glad we did this and can't wait for the next time!

Kristin said...

SO jealous! I would love to have my friends still semi- around from highschool. Sadly, they scattered to the ends of the earth :-(. What a fabulous idea though. Glad you had a super fun weekend! Hugs, ~K

Anna Baur said...

how fun!! :) I love your idea! Maybe I'll have to add it to my to-do list, too!

Amanda said...

sounds like fun! i love having girl's day...or sleepovers!