Ok, let's see... Things have been pretty bust around the Blimes household lately. We are almost finished unpacking... still have lotsa books and nick nacks to find spots for. I'm going for the "not-so-cluttered" look in our new home so that creates a problem for the items that i hardly use but am not quite ready to throw away. I know, I have serious problems to deal with huh? lol
Aside from that we had a pretty fun weekend, on friday night our ward had professional dance lessons as an activity! We learned the Fox Trot, and some Salsa. They finished off playing dance music and everyone was cutting some serious rug! It was really fun and funny!
Then on Saturday we had our Stake softball tournament. Drew played catcher and outfield, I saw him make a couple of really good hits too. He is so good at everything (makes me so sick) hee hee. His team unfortunately lost both of their games so they didn't make it to the championship but he said he had fun anyway (that's what matters right?)
I didn't play until the last ladies game (they won their first two games YAY!) So, I was playing with them in the Championship game... I guess I must be bad luck or something cuz we lost by one run! Sad... we're pretty sure we were robbed though...
So, later that night Drew went on a man date w/Tony and Jonathan. They drove go carts and did manly stuff like discuss cars and racing. While he was out I had mama and Stephanie over to eat pizza and watch Ever After (love that movie!) but we were interrupted when the guys got back and wanted to play guitar hero. Oh well, let them have their fun right?
Sunday was a great Mothers Day! I wrote my mama a letter and she came to church with us. My sister gave her some African jewelry and Drew gave her a hug! After church I took an AMAZING 3 hour nap (ps i did that after the tourney on saturday too!). Oh how I love naps!!!
Then when I got up Drew had fallen asleep in a chair so he went to nap in the bed and Mable and I went on a long walk thru our cute cute neighborhood! I love our home even more now
Ok if you're still reading, thanks! Thanks for your what I can only assume is a complete lack of anything better to do than read the boring ramblings of a sleepy work procrastinating woman...it's nice to know someone cares! lol If anything new happens I'll keep ya posted!
you're so silly! sounds like you had a productive weekend. you forgot to mention getting your hair cut on friday!!! that was fun and it is super cute (even though i havent seen it all fixed up)
Wow you are quite the blogger!
So, reading everyone's blogs makes me miss everyone:( Anyone else feel that way? Miss ya girl! Love keepin' up with ya though:P
Wow! I was jealous that you got a house, but now I'm UBER jealous that you're gonna have a clutter-free house! I don't think I'll have one of those for the next 2 decades till the kids are gone!
Glad to see that you're doing so well! Hope Drew is loving being a graduate...I'm sure he is!
hey girl,
i'm glad we were a part of your weekend! we rock at softball :) sorry i missed aeorbics, looks like i won't get to come on tuesdays anymore, but i'll see ya thursday for sure. have fun at work!
Thanks for the compliments on my brownies. The first time I ever had them was from the Tasty Pastry off of Market Street. I loved them so much I went hunting for a recipe so I could be gluttonous in the privacy of my own home. I find your ramblings extremely clever and funny. I always have to get Jacob to write things if I want them to be quick-witted. I'm slow-witted.
I give the whole clutter free thing a few weeks......a month tops. :) I LOVE Ever After too. Your ward sounds like so much fun. I wish ours didn't suck so much!! Maybe we should move to Tally. hehe
I don't think it's boring...i like reading about the life of times of the Blimes! That tornado shelter is pretty sweet! I never even found out what that secret activity was, and now that I know I am so sad we missed it! Not to mention the softball tournament! I get so competitive though...maybe it's best I wasn't there...haha...people may have seen my crazy side. gotta keep that well-hidden ;). Keep your "ramblings" coming because I enjoy reading them! :)
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